Sum-yum-yum-ertime Wine – Ameztoi Getariako Txakolina

Originally published on March 29, 2008.

In my mind, it’s 80 degrees outside, so I opened a bottle of Ameztoi Getariako Txakolina today. This is a perfect summer wine, and even if the weather didn’t cooperate, the wine was still good.

Txakoli is a wine region located in Spain’s Basque country. It’s a blend of some obscure, unpronounceable grapes which you’ll find nowhere else in the world. The Ameztoi Getariako is clean, crisp, super dry and minerally, with some notes of tart Granny Smith apples, citrus peel.

Absolutely perfect for a hot summer day lounging around on a roof top somewhere (remember – this is a NYC shop, we don’t have yards here. But it would work just as well in your backyard if you’re lucky enough to have one.)

Goes great with salty snacks, shellfish, or on its own in a plain old paper cup. Come on weather – play nice!