Originally published on June 12, 2011.
Twitter is a wonderful thing. Not only does it allow you to waste hours sending 140 character messages to people you should really just meet for lunch, it occasionally can set you on the wine buying trail. Like when I caught @winewomansong, a London-based wine writer tweeting about the Mac Forbes Rieslings and Pinot Noirs from Victoria, Australia.
I’m always looking for wines from Australia that 1) aren’t made from Shiraz, 2) are from regions beyond South Australia and 3) don’t have cheeky, hopping Aussie animals on the label. So I asked @winewomansong (a.k.a. Jules) about the wines and she said they were fantastic. I tracked them down with Vision Wines, my rep brought a sample of the Riesling by and I scooped it up.
So here it is…the wine from Australia recommended on Twitter by way of London:
Mac Forbes Riesling RS37 2008
(Strathbogie Ranges, Australia)
Yes, that’s an animal on the label. But butterflies aren’t cheeky and they don’t hop. And yes, I did in fact amend item 3) above to include “cheeky, hopping” when I posted this picture and realized there was an animal on the bottle.
Price: $24.99