Window Decorations and the Martha Stewart Principle

Originally published on April 23, 2009.

I don’t know if I made this up or if I read it somewhere (I probably read it somewhere), but the Martha Stewart Principle of decorating is that if you take some object, no matter how simple, and multiply it 10-, 20- or 100-fold, it will look much cooler, or at least much cuter. For example….

…a cupcake tower….

…or a bunch of lemons in a bowl…

….or a bucket full of puppies.

The Frankly Wine cork wall is an obvious exploitation of this principle. But it also gets put to use in our ever-changing window displays. Last summer’s display featured about 100 beach balls. This years “April Showers Bring Sping Flowers” theme features bunches of pinwheel flowers and a bowl full of cocktail umbrellas. It’s impossible to not take notice of a giant fishbowl filled with cocktail umbrellas. Look at the picture below and just TRY to disagree!