Why Con Edison Loves Wine Stores

Originally published on April 26, 2009.

My new iPhone (I finally broke down and got one) says it’s 89 degrees outside. And it was 80-something yesterday. Which means the A/C went on yesterday and hasn’t been turned off yet. Looking at the weather charts, I may be able to shut it down on Tuesday night. That’s better than letting it just run until October. Eventually it will go on non-stop until, yes, October. But hopefully that won’t need to happen until mid-May.

You can see why Con Ed loves wine stores. A/C from May until October! The wine must stay happy….which keeps Con Ed happy. It is EnergyStar rated, but I’m sure it doesn’t do much for the total carbon footprint of all those wines making their way to New York. Unless you live in a cave, or Alaska, there’s not much else you can do to keep the wines cool at their end destination (although I’d be happy to hear suggestions….if they’ll keep my A/C bill down.)