Things That Don’t Make You Go mmmmm: WSET Systematic Approach to Wine Tasting

Originally published on May 1, 2009.

Last summer I wrote about passing the WSET Diploma Unit 2 test. In the mean time I have not written any of the Unit 1 research papers, nor did I sit for Units 4, 5, or 6. I decided that adding another new baby to the 2 kids I already had, in addition to getting the Frankly Wines store through it’s first full holiday season would be challenge enough.

But now I’m back on track and studying for Unit 3, the Still Wines portion of the Diploma. Technically, I’m not studying, I’m writing about studying, but that’s close enough.

In order to pass the test, I need to become proficient in writing wine tasting notes that conform to the WSET Systematic Approach to Wine Tasting. Here’s an example:

Lopez de Heredia Vina Gravonia Rioja Blanco 1999

Appearance: clear, medium gold color fading to water-white rim
Nose: Generally clean, with some slightly oxidized sherry notes. However, medium intensity of citrus, lanolin, nuts and stones suggest this may be more a stylistic choice than a fault. Wine is showing development.

Palate: Dry, medium (+) acidity, medium alcohol, medium (+) body. Medium (+) flavor intensity with notes of citrus peel, lanolin, beeswax, exotic spices and stones. Slight sherry tang, although freshness of other flavors and presence of medium+ acidity also suggest this is not a fault. Long length with acidity and flavors persisting on the finish. Lovely silky, waxy texture.

This is a very good quality wine due to complexity of fruit, spice,nut and sherry notes, as well as remarkably fresh medium (+) acidity balanced by rich, mouth coating texture and body.

Drinkable now, especially for those who enjoy fresh, vibrant acidity. However, the wine will easily improve and evolve for 20 years or more with acidity preserving primary freshness even as wine develops exotic sweet spice notes, additional nutty character and notes of dried honey.

Cost: $25

12% abv

Does this make your mouth water? Probably not. But that’s not the point. These aren’t the sort of notes that make people actually want to drink wine….but they are the kind of notes that pass WSET tests, and that’s why I’m writing them