And She’s Back!

Originally published on January 9, 2010.

I just realized my last post was the week after Thanksgiving. While that’s bad for the blog, it’s good for the store. My lack of blogging was due to a very busy holiday season. Sure, I had plans to post gift ideas every few days through Hanukah and up to Christmas. Then I would segue way into daily bubble suggestions prior to New Year’s Eve.

Obviously, it didn’t happen.

I barely even managed to get a Christmas newsletter out before Christmas. And the New Year’s Eve newsletter went out approximately sixteen hours before the ball drop. Since most people seem to be last minute shoppers, this could be considered a strategic plan…even though it actually was just plain old last minute planning.

So no holiday gift idea posts. No end of the year wrap up posts. No posts about “that customer” or wines you never knew you needed or my latest New York Times scoop (alright, I didn’t scoop the NYTimes in the last few weeks.)  No posts plugging my Sparkling Wine of the Month Club or listing my top 10, 25, or 100 wines of the year.  Not even a New Year’s resolutions post.

Nope. None of that. I was too busy selling wine!