This is just a test to show my father how this subscription service works. Everyone else can just disregard (please disregard!) All regularly scheduled wine blogging will resume shortly….beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
A NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: Yes, she has a name, and back then, I posted it. But these days, on the internet, she’s simply Kid#3 and gets approval on all photo posts. Except this one:
Originally published on June 6, 2008.
We used to stick Kid#3, yes, when she was a baby, in a corner of a wine shop. Now, we the closest she’ll get to that is a box at a museum in the Berkshires.
Busy week – had my third baby a week ago yesterday. Third baby, first girl. Taking a couple weeks to rest up and bond with the bambino then back to the store. Actually, I’ve already been back to the store and does it ever feel good to be moving cases around again! I’ve been pregnant since before the store opened, so I’m really looking forward to running the place without having to worry about a baby in the belly.
And always one to pimp out the kids in the name of the family business, I decked the place out in pink balloons and offered 10% off any three roses. (3 kids, 3 bottles, clever, no?)