A Wine Store Owner Looks at 40

Originally published on April 12, 2008

Someone walked into the store yesterday and wanted to get a bottle for a friend who was turning 40. I helped him pick something out and as I was ringing up the sale, it suddenly dawned on me that I’ll soon be picking out something for my own 40th birthday. Sure, not for several more years (well, a couple more years, but a little denial isn’t such a bad thing), but soon enough that I should probably start drawing up my wine list.

Frankly Wines Gets Some…..Press!

A NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: I really wish more women in this industry (or any industry, really) would talk about their child care situations whether it simply involves juggling duties with your partner (or not), a nanny situation, blessedly nearby family, a great day care center, a network of friends or whatever. Many of us are lucky enough not to have to “do it all” by ourselves – and it’s not fair to let people think we do.

Originally published on March 5, 2008.

Check out the first press piece featuring the the shop – and me – in the NY Sun. It’s an abridged version of my life history in print – even makes mention of corn fields and wine coolers. Can’t beat that!

When I last stopped in, Ms. Frank had just delivered a case of wine to a Murray Street condo, even though she’s due to give birth to her third child in June. “I’ve still got a good month before I give up the hand truck,” she said. Blessed with a great nanny, she plans to be back at work within weeks. “Maternity leave has a whole different meaning when it’s your own business,” she says.

Peter Hellman, The New York Sun

Wine Spectator: All Men, All the Time

Originally published on January 24, 2008.

I was just flipping through the latest Wine Spectator, which always seems to find me even though I haven’t subscribed personally ever. Just noticed the tasters are all men, every one of them. I guess I’m not surprised – would probably be the same if I checked out Wine Enthusiast, Wine Advocate, probably even Tanzer – I guess I just never paid attention to it. It does make me wonder, would the ratings, or the language of all these commercial wine publications be at all different if more women were actually tasters (and not just tasting coordinators – very different gig.) Would wine be less, mysterious, less intimidating? Things that make you go hmmmm.