GIFT IDEAS #4 & #5: Safe and Not-So-Safe 3-Packs

You know you want to give wine – because you know they like wine. But you don’t know exactly what they like. We put this 3-Pack together with that very common request in mind. Three proven favorites: a not-at-all over the-top Hunter Valley Shiraz, a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc and a bottle of Champagne. What’s not to like?

Keith Tulloch Kester Shiraz 2003 (Hunter Valley, Australia)
Alana Sauvignon Blanc 2009 (Marlborough, NZ)
Duc De Romet Champagne (Champagne, France)

Price: $75


Let’s say, this time around,,,

You know they like wine – and you know they’re a bit adventurous. So we put together a 3-Pack featuring wines made from obscure grapes grown in obscure places. A red, white, and sparkling. Nothing too funky, but unless they’re Jura fanatics or roam the heights of the Italian Alps, chances are good they’ll be discovering something new.


Jacques Puffeney Poulsard M 2007 (Arbois, Jura, France)
Grosjean Muscat Petit Grain 2009 (Vallee d’Aoste, Italy)
Domaine de Montbourgeau Cremant NV (Jura, France)

Price: $72

*Don’t worry, we won’t mention “safety pack” on the actual gift pack itself. You giftees will officially be getting a “Holiday Sampler 3-Pack”