I should be studying….

Originally published on June 24, 2008.

…but here I am, roaming the wine blogs, checking emails, typing this….

Tomorrow is the Unit 2 test for the WSET diploma course. I took the course and was supposed to sit the test last fall, but wound up preparing for my license hearing pretty much the same day of the test. The choice was:

A. Get a license and open a store in time for a little bit of holiday business to get some money coming in rather than going out as it had been for the prior six months.

B. Take a test of a fancy wine qualification has been one of the (minor) sources of the outward flow of money.

C. Both of the above.

Since C wasn’t exactly an option (that would have required actually starting to study in advance, as opposed to the week, then two days, then 4 hours I had allowed myself. So A it was.

Six months later, I’ve managed to get a little over a week of studying in, sort of. That’s if you count falling asleep while covered in piles of index cards as studying. But hey, I just had a baby. But if I don’t take this test now, it’s another six months before they offer it again.

So what is the WSET Diploma? It’s a fancy qualification that’s somewhat of a pre-requisite for the Masters of Wine, which is an even fancier qualification. But more on all of that later…I have to study…