Thanksgiving Wines: Terres Dorees Beaujolais Nouveau (for those who always want the new new thing)

A NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: I still love Beaujolais Nouveau! It never gets old. Well, it does, but if never sticks around long enough for that to happen.

Originally published on November 25, 2008.

Wine people love to hate on Beaujolais Nouveau. “It’s all marketing, it’s all plonk.” Well, everything is marketing, even anti-marketing is still a form of marketing (as reverse snobbery is still a form of snobbery), and yes, much of it is plonk. But it’s hard to resist the original intent of Beaujolais Nouveau – which is to enjoy the first wine of the harvest. Wine so fresh and new that just over a month earlier, it was still grapes on the vine. Even the plonky stuff makes me smile because it reminds me of when I first started drinking wine.

But this year, there is some really good Bojo on the market (technically, it’s Bojo Nuvo). Frankly Wines carries Terres Dorees by Jean-Paul Brun. Jean-Paul is one of winemakers in the Dressner portfolio, so you can read all about him here. His Bojo Nuvo is delicious and it’s just the thing for the Turkey Day table. Think about it – Thanksgiving is a celebration of the harvest. Beaujolias Nouveau is a celebration of the harvest. One’s a holiday, one’s a liquid, but basically, they’re the same thing. And it really doesn’t get newer than a wine that was just released last Thursday.

But don’t take my word for it….Mr. Asimov likes it too!