What to Drink on a Holiday Weekend: Suggestion #3 – Fermented Juice Boxes

Originally published on May 28, 2010.

See that thing sitting on the arm of that chair?
What do you think it could be?

Look like a juice box of some sort? For those of you with a European bent, maybe a carton of Ribena or a box of milk?

Well, it is a box of juice.  A Tetra-Pak of juice to be specific.And that juice happens to be made of grapes And those grapes have been fermented.  Sort of like……….wine! Yes, it’s WINE! In a little 500ml Tetra-Pak container that looks absolutely nothing like a bottle of wine. 
Think of the possibilities.

As for what’s in this little non-glass-bottle, it’s an easy-drinking Cabernet Sauvignon from California. It’s not the most complex Cabernet you’ve ever had, but picnics, park benches, and baseball games don’t really cry out for overly complex wine.  It’s a tasty, lighter-bodied (for Cabernet), highly-drinkable wine. 

And…it’s made from organically-grown grapes. 

And….it costs $8.99.

Why on earth wouldn’t you want to buy a bunch right now??