Why Wednesdays Aren’t As Fun Anymore

Originally published on November 25, 2008.

I used to really look forward to Wednesday mornings. While the rugrats watched whatever video they were currently obsessing over, I would drink my first cup of coffee while logging on to the New York Times web site and checking out the Dining section, especially the wine column. It was always fun to see what region or grape was being highlighted. The real fun was checking to see if I carried any of the wines actually mentioned by name. Let’s face it, ratings or no ratings, most people still look for wine guidance somewhere, and Eric Asimov’s column in the New York Times is one of the places they look. So if a wine is mentioned, it’s sure to get a nice little bump.

But Wednesday mornings just haven’t been the same. Now, those weekly wine columns seem to get published earlier and earlier. I just read this week’s column…at 9.45pm on a Tuesday night. Guess I’ll just have something else to read while I sip my coffee.