Wine is good for you…no, it’s bad….no, it’s good

A NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: This sort of sounds like I don’t like science. But I love it.. I adore science. But that way that it’s sometimes presented. That, I don’t love so much.

Originally published on May 21, 2008.

One of the daily industry wires posted a blurb about a study at the US San Diego School of Medicine. Apparently a daily glass of wine could improve liver health. If you’re interested in details, pick up the June 2008 issue of Hepatology. I always get a kick out of these stories because one week, someone will find that moderate consumption is good for the heart. Next week, it’s bad for the heart, or causes brain tumors, or maybe it’s wine that’s good but Scotch that’s bad, or who knows. Same thing with eggs, meat, and fish. I just love science.