Wine You Never Knew You Needed: Frappato

A NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: Light, fresh, delightful reds as weird? Fast forward ten years and chillable, smashable, chuggable reds have almost officially be a category unto themselves.

Originally published on June 30, 2009.

Frappato is one of those grapes you’ve probably never heard of. We hadn’t until last summer when one of our sales reps came by with the winemaker and an open bottle of Valle dell’Acate “Il Frappato” 2008 (Sicilia, Italy). Given that the wine is a red from Sicily, we were expecting something big, full-bodied, typical of a hot island climate. But no – this Frappato was absolutely charming. Light red (but not quite into rose territory) with notes of bright fresh red berries and roses. It’s perfect for summer days and can be drunk just a little bit chilled.

The several times we’ve had it open at the store, the overwhelming consensus has been “it’s weird, but I really like it!” It’s not really weird, it’s just that most of us aren’t used to drinking reds that are so light, fresh, and really, delightful. A red doesn’t have to hit you over the head to be good.

So if you’re in the mood for something different – give this a try – we all need a little weird yet likable in our lives. Price: $18.99