Ah, Technology

Originally published on January 9, 2010.

A NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: Yup, we were making a Negroni. Sbagliato. And were probably going to put prosecco in it since we were going to be featuring it during a prosecco tasting. That all may sound very familiar read from the vantage point of 2024. But look at the date this was originally published. 2011. Yeah, we were just that ahead of our time.

This is an attempt at uploading to my blog directly from email. Does
it work. And if it does, do I have a use for it? Is there really
anything so important in the world of Frankly Wines that it can’t wait
until I get back to my desktop?

Probably not, but I’ll probably do it anyway.

And the picture….obviously has nothing to do with this post.  Or with wine.  I just wanted to test the photo function.  And really, why have a blog if you can’t occasionally force your readers to look at cute pictures of your kids?