Early Signs of Autumn

Originally published on September 12, 2011.

It’s autumn! Time to think about new wine to put on the shelves! Cider for crisp fall days! Champange for the holidays! Jura whites! Gift packs and dessert wines and higher end bottles for gifting! Right?


It’s time to master the logistical challenge of getting three kids to/from three schools with introductory phase-ins, sorting out the store schedule, training a newbie, attempting to attend as many trade tastings in a day as physically possible, and trying really really hard not to forget anyone’s lunch. Yes, there’s a husband and a babystitter and even grandparents flown in for the first couple week but still…everyone needs to know who’s picking up whom and packing what.

So the spreadsheets to the right are the essential tool to make all this happen. At least I get to put my highlighters to good use.

Because nothing says autumn like a nice, new highlighter….

Or that first call from the school asking who’s picking up your kid….

Or that first time you get to a locked store at noon…and realize you were the one that was supposed to open it an hour earlier….

OK, that last thing hasn’t really happened.