Hurricane Prepardness – Don’t Forget the Wine

Originally published on August 26, 2011.

A NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: This was Hurricane Irene, which turned out to be a bit of a nothing burger. At least down in NYC. Upstate in the Hudson Valley it was a major disaster. One year later, in October 2012, Hurricane Sandy would be another story. But we’ll get to that in future posts!

If you haven’t heard, there’s a hurricane on the way. Everyone here is busy putting together their emergency preparedness kits (except me, I’m putting together this blog post.)

The National Hurricane Center recommends the following: Batteries, water, insurance papers (in a zip lock bag), tools, full tanks of gas, pet car items, a traditional telephone (you know, the sort that plugs directly into the wall) a radio (who has a radio??), canned food, prescription drugs…..on and on.

But they make no mention of a really important thing: WINE

Highly recommended in hurricane situations: BOX WINE

Box wines are ideal for upping your hurricane preparedness. One 3 Liter box includes the equivalent of four bottles, but in a much lighter format. And each box usually come with a handle, which makes them especially easy to evacuate. And a bonus: the bag-in-the-box can be used as a pillow. So you have one less thing to pack.

Given all this, I fully expect to see box wines included in the next version of the National Hurricane Center’s official preparedness list!

NOTE: Thank you to Jeanna for making the initial recommendation to include a box or two in your kit.