I’m Lazy and This is Funny

Originally published on June 28, 2009.

I have always wanted to do a post on the top Google searches that find my web site, either the Frankly Wines store site or this blog. I think Terry over at Mondosapore did a post on this a long time ago, but as it says in the title, I’m lazy (at least right this moment) and don’t feel like looking it up. And just the other day, Lyle Fass at Rockss and Fruit posted his site’s Top 10 oddest search words, so I decided to just be a lazy copy cat and finally do my own post.

Sadly, it’s not very exciting. There are lots of search terms on wooden boxes due to my apparently highly popular post on the phases of wooden box lust, respect, and contempt.
There’s a search on stats geek – why?” which seems like an odd question to ask. Really, why not? Or who cares? Or, huh?

The only slightly interesting, truly odd search is “promiscuous wine”. That one speaks for itself.