Surely this is what Edith Piaf meant, non?

Originally published on November 9, 2011.

A NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: Once upon a time I might have posted the picture here and just linked to that, but now we know about attribution and commercial licenses and we don’t do that sort of thing! But the picture I would post is a simple illustration of an elephant against a pink background. On its head is a barrel that says ‘vin’ with a spiget dripping red wine into a glass that it’s made with it’s trunk while a cartoon character named Harold does the backstroke in the liquid. This was a Harold’s Planet cartoon – and the illustrators did some of the best wine-related cartoons even. I can’t find the elephant one to link (and as I’m discribing it, I’m realizing that the title doesn’t make all that much sense, because the wine was rouge, not rose) but go here for a quick compilation. You’ve probably seen Yoga for Wine Lovers or Pilates for Wine Lovers in your social feeds at some point over the last however many years. Well – this is the source!