Chalkboard Project: Good Vibrations

Originally published on August 24, 2011.

So I missed yesterday’s earthquake. I was on an airplane, descending into LaGuardia with 2 out of 3 Frank kids, when it happened. The taxi driver into the city was very excited about the whole thing, but we felt nothing. Back at the shop, I was told the bottles jingled a bit but nothing fell of the shelves. We appear to be much better at breaking bottles than an earthquake, at least a 5.9 earthquake.

But always quick to turn topical events into chalkboard fodder, this appeared in front of the store:

Apparently it was a big hit – several dozen photos snapped in the first two hours it was outside. Could be our most popular effort to date!

What Wine Store Owners Do When They’re Not Selling Wine

Originally published on August 28, 2009.

When wine store owners are not selling wine (or buying wine, or talking about wine) they, or maybe just I, come up with clever ideas to put on the chalkboard signs in front of their stores.

I was feeling particularly clever today. It’s the first dreary, rainy day we’ve had in, oh, a week and this just jumped into my mind.

I fully expect to see the tourists taking pictures.