The End of an Era

Originally published on January 22, 2010.

A NOTE FROM THE FUTURE: This is the wine that ten years later would show up on the shelves at Copake Wine Works. Even though we had room, we didn’t need to take in an 11 case drop, so we didn’t need to use it as furniture, which is pretty much what happened at Frankly Wines. I remember at one point, we actually would use the cases as a table/tasting bar. When your shop is 300 square feet and you want all of a certain wine, you do what must be done!

This is a sad day. The last 11 cases and 7 bottles of the J. Mourat Collection Blanc arrived at Frankly Wines this afternoon. These are the last cases available in the State of New York. The importer who brought this wine over from France is no longer importing. Maybe a casualty of the economy, or maybe just proof that living the dream isn’t as dreamy as it looks.

In any case, the license has been sold or transferred and I’ve gradually been buying up the remaining stock of this wine.

When I first brought it in, it was a great bottle of $13.99 Loire Valley wine. 50% Chenin Blanc, 50% Chardonnay. Crisp acidity nicely balanced by some crunchy pear fruit. It was the text-book definition of really good house white. Good with food. Nice on its own. Broadly appealing without being dull. And the bottle was cute, too.

It still is all that. But now, it costs $9.99/bottle.

Sometimes there are upsides to a down economy.