Thanksgiving Wine Reco #4: For Those Who Aren’t Afraid of a Good Cliché

Originally published on November 19, 2011.

Yes, everyone suggests Beajolais Nouveau as a great Thanksgiving wine. It’s a pairing that doesn’t just verge on cliché…it is a cliché. But hey, it works. And despite it being extremely unfashionable among the wine geek crowd, I still love it, stock it, and drink it. Yes, it’s a cliché…but it’s also a bit of a tradition. So get over your cool kid self and drink some.

We have three on hand….choose your cliché wisely!

Paul Durdilly Beaujolais Nouveau 2010: The fruitiest of the bunch. Probably the closest to what people think of as “Nouveau” but without the banana nose. And  definitely the most fun to say. (Say it now…durdilly!) Price: $10.99

Domaine de La Madone Beaujolais Nouveau 2011: Darker fruit + a little more structure…well structure of a Nouveau. Price: $11.99

Christophe Pacalet Beaujolais Nouveau 2011: Natural yeast, unfined, unfiltered, and this one will even be nice with a bit of age. (By age, we mean, it will still be tasty come, oh, January 1st. Which is a lot of age for a Beaujolais Nouveau.) Price: $12.99